Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Day 106. Cocklebiddy to Penong. Well into South Australia. 25/08/2015

A good nights sleep at Cocklebiddy and we were ready to hit the road to clock up a large number of kilometres across the Nullarbor. A beautiful early morning but as we travelled West we seemed to catch the storm front that we experienced yesterday. It rained for at least two hours then fined up before lunch.
The landscape was continually changing which was not what we had expected and, therefore, the drive was not boring at all. 
Again there were signs warning us of wildlife that may stray onto the road, Camels, Emus, Kangaroos and even Wombats on various stretches of the Nullarbor. We decided to have a competition between us as to who would spot some wildlife first and it looked at one stage that there would be no winner, but John spotted an Emu (or so he said, and I cannot confirm) so I guess he wins. Hard to believe that we could travel some 690 kms today and see only one lousy Emu.   
We stopped for fuel and a morning cuppa at the Mundrabilla Roadhouse, another pleasant surprise along this journey. As we continued we were surprised to see that we were driving parallel to a ridge called the Moodini Bluff and then after steadily climbing we reached the top of the road at Eucla Pass and saw the Southern Ocean for the first time from the Nullarbor. At that point it is the Great Australian Bight and a very lovely sight. We noticed that the clocks on our mobile phones had switched over to S.A. time as we crossed over the border from W.A.
Our lunchtime stop was at Nullarbor Roadhouse, another welcome stop and also popular with other travellers. A little further on we turned off the main road to the viewing point of the Head of the Bight. A very beautiful spot but alas no Whales were visible.
Again the landscape changed and we started to see farming properties of sheep and crops.
Just before dark we arrived at a little town called Penong (the town of windmills) for our overnight stop. A very nice park that has one of the Nullarbor Golf Holes called “The Pioneer Drive”, a 260 meter Par 4 right next to the park. Rod plans to play the course at the various holes on his return across the Nullarbor.
Tomorrow we plan to drive to Port Augusta so that will mean early start and another long drive.

A Great Australian Bight lookout 
Some information on the environment.
Some information on the Land.
Tee notice for one of the Nullarbor Golf Holes.
Some history of Penong.
Information on the Penong water supply.
More saltbush along the Eyre.

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